HSwMS Helsingborg (K32) is a Swedish Visby-class corvette. She was ordered by the Swedish Government in 1995 and is the second ship of the class built by Kockums. She has been in active service with the 31st Corvette Squadron, 3rd Naval Warfare Flotilla since 19 December 2009. It is a stealth missile corvette.
Other languages: HELSINGBORG (swedish)
National Maritime Museums in Sweden (Government agency) owns the information on this page
registrator@smtm.se [sv]
dataskyddsombud@smtm.se [sv]
dataskyddsombud@smtm.se [sv]
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applies to the information on this page
02/11/2016 13:54:27
Lengde [no]: 72,8 meter (m) [no]
Bredde [no]: 10,4 meter (m) [no]
Deplasement [no]: 650 ton [no]