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19/03/2024 20:01:25
salted paper processes
plain salted paper processes
salt paper processes
salt print process
salted paper print process
salted paper process
salted silver print process
Photographic processes in which the light-sensitive salt is formed in the fibers of the paper rather than in a binder. Sometimes designed to be developed out, as in the calotype process, and sometimes printed out, as when making salted paper prints.
Fotograafiline protsess, milles valgustundlik sool moodustub paberi kiududes, mitte sideaines. Mõnikord ilmutatakse, nagu kalotüüpia protsessis, ja teinekord kopeeritakse - siis, kui valmistatakse soolapaberfotosid.
Imported from http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300053495 February 25, 2019 9:48:46 PM CET
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Importerad från http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300053495 2019-02-25 21:48:46