Other languages: MTÜ Eesti Fotopärand (estonian)
Estonian Photographic Heritage Society unites people working with or interested in Estonian photographic heritage. The aim of the society is to create a professional network, spread knowledge about historic photography and photographic collections in Estonia (both institutional and private). EPHS was founded in January 2010
19/03/2024 21:27:16
Estonian Photographic Heritage Society
MTÜ Eesti Fotopärand
Estonian Photographic Heritage Society unites people working with or interested in Estonian photographic heritage. The aim of the society is to create a professional network, spread knowledge about historic photography and photographic collections in Estonia (both institutional and private). EPHS was founded in January 2010
Mittetulundusühingu Eesti Fotopärand eesmärk on väärtustada eesti fotograafilist pärandit: seda hoida, uurida, süstematiseerida ja tutvustada. Ühing, mis kasvas välja fotopärandi-teemalisest meililistist, edendab koostööd fotopärandiga tegelevate inimeste ja institutsioonide vahel nii Eesti-siseselt kui ka rahvusvaheliselt, korraldab fotopärandiga seotud koolitusi, seminare, näitusi.
Harjumaa (Maakond) [et], Tallinn [et], Raekoja 6, 10146 Tallinn, Estland [et]
59.436819, 24.745263, - WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)