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19/03/2024 20:09:53
cliché-verre (photographic process)
cliché verre
autograph etching (photographic process)
autographie photographique (photographic process)
cliché photographique sur verre (photographic process)
cliché-glace (photographic process)
clichés verre (photographic process)
dessin héliographique (photographic process)
dessin sur verre biochromaté (photographic process)
etching on glass (photographic process)
glass negative (photographic process)
glass print (photographic process)
glass printing (photographic process)
photogenic etching (photographic process)
print, glass (photographic process)
procédé sur verre (photographic process)
Photographic process that uses light to print onto photosensitized paper a drawing on a glass plate (or another translucent surface). The resulting print contains elements of both printmaking and photography. The term is often used for both the process, the negative, and also the resulting print. The technique was developed in the 1830s.
Fotograafiline protsess, mis kasutab valgust klaasplaadil (või mõnel muul läbipaistval pinnal) oleva kujutise kandmiseks valgustundlikule paberile. Valminud foto sisaldab nii graafika kui fotograafia elemente. Mõistet kasutatakse sageli nii protsessi, negatiivi kui saadud trükise kohta. Tehnika töötati välja 1830. aastatel.
Peeter Linnap. Maailma fotograafia ajalugu. Silmakirjad 7. Tartu: Tartu Kõrgem Kunstikool, 2013. Lk 330
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