A schooner ( SKOO-nər) is a type of sailing vessel defined by its rig: fore-and-aft rigged on all of two or more masts and, in the case of a two-masted schooner, the foremast generally being shorter than the mainmast. A common variant, the topsail schooner also has a square topsail on the foremast, to which may be added a topgallant. Differing definitions leave uncertain whether the addition of a fore course would make such a vessel a brigantine. Many schooners are gaff-rigged, but other examples include Bermuda rig and the staysail schooner.: 211 : 26 : 100 : 48
Other languages: Skonnert (norwegian bokmål), Skonare (swedish)
Refers to fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessels with two or more masts, especially those with only two masts in which the aftermast is taller than the foremast; for two-masted sailing vessels in which the aftermast is the shorter one, see "ketches (fore-and-aft-rigged vessels)" or "yawls (sailing vessels)."
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National Maritime Museums in Sweden (Government agency) owns the information on this page
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Last changed
19/03/2024 20:22:44
Alternative label
Refers to fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessels with two or more masts, especially those with only two masts in which the aftermast is taller than the foremast; for two-masted sailing vessels in which the aftermast is the shorter one, see "ketches (fore-and-aft-rigged vessels)" or "yawls (sailing vessels)."
Wikipedia (via Wikidata)
Store norske leksikon
Norwegian bokmål
er et seilfartøy med to eller flere master som i stor grad kun fører seil som står med skipets lengderetning (sneiseil). Skipstypen ble utviklet langs kysten av Nederland og New England på 1600-, og 1700-tallet, og kjennetegnes ved sin allsidighet og relativt høye hastighet. Den mer strømlinjefor...
begrenset gjenbruk [no]
Store norske leksikon ·
01/02/2025 09:11:17
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