Kronobergs län (Län) [sv] - Deprecated

Other languages: Kronobergs län (swedish)

Administrativ indelning, Riksarkivet [sv]

Place type
Public Domain Dedication (CC0) applies to the information on this page
Last changed
22/09/2023 09:13:50

Needs to be published, before URI is available
Kronobergs län

Place type

Norwegian bokmål


Was part of at time
-Was part of at time

1720 ongoing
--Earliest time
--Latest time
Had part at time
1863 1951

1863 1970

1720 1917

1946 1966

1918 1945

1863 1970

1971 ongoing

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1951

1952 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1970

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1863 1970

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1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1720 1917

1946 1966

1720 1917

1946 1966

1918 1945

1952 1966

1863 1951

1863 1951

1952 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1971 ongoing

1961 1970

1863 1970

1863 1970

1863 1970

1967 ongoing

1971 ongoing

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 ongoing

1952 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1952 1970

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1970

1720 1966

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1951

1971 ongoing

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1952 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1720 1966

1971 ongoing

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1970

1863 1970

1967 ongoing

1971 ongoing

1863 1939

1863 1970

1863 1970

1863 1970

1971 ongoing

1905 1970

1863 1970

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1951

1863 1970

Riksarkivet NAD: Ref

Riksarkivet NAD: Ref
Riksarkivet NAD: G_unit
Riksarkivet NAD: G_unit