HSwMS Härnösand (K33) is the third ship of the Visby-class corvettes ordered by the Swedish Government and built by Kockums. The Härnösand is designed for mine countermeasures and anti-submarine warfare.
Other languages: HÄRNÖSAND (swedish)
National Maritime Museums in Sweden (Government agency) owns the information on this page
registrator@smtm.se [sv]
dataskyddsombud@smtm.se [sv]
dataskyddsombud@smtm.se [sv]
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applies to the information on this page
02/11/2016 13:56:35
11/01/2025 01:04:41
Lengde [no]: 72,8 meter (m) [no]
Bredde [no]: 10,4 meter (m) [no]
Deplasement [no]: 650 ton [no]