The Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden is a hotel in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden. Built on the initiative of Knut Agathon Wallenberg, it was opened in 1893 by King Oscar II of Sweden. The hotel was owned by the Wallenberg family until 1999, when it was purchased by Nordisk Renting who sold it in 2002 to Danish-Egyptian hotel owner Enan Galaly's chain Helnan Hotels. On 20 December 1938, the Saltsjöbaden Agreement was signed at the hotel. It hosted three Bilderberg meetings, in 1962, 1973, and 1984.
Other languages: Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden (swedish)
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16/12/2024 09:36:21
18/01/2025 08:37:02
Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden
Exakt datering: 1891 - 1893
, , Södermanland, Nacka, Saltsjöbaden, Saltsjöpromenaden [sv]
Nacka (Socken) [sv], Saltsjöbaden, Saltsjöpromenaden [sv],
Nacka (Socken) [sv], Saltsjöbaden, Saltsjöpromenaden [sv],
59.277667, 18.311967, - WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
ArkDes kataloguppgifter, byggnadsdata
Litteraturreferens: Publicerad text: Hultin, Olof (red): Guide till Stockholms arkitektur, 2002, sid 272. AM.
Litteraturreferens: Publicerade fotografier: Hultin, Olof (red): Guide till Stockholms arkitektur, 2002, sid 272. AM.
Litteraturreferens: Publicerade ritningar: Hultin, Olof (red): Guide till Stockholms arkitektur, 2002, sid 272. AM.